In Venice addresses can be rather confusing. “Accademia 884″, “Dorsoduro 884” and “Rio Terà Foscarini 884” are all possible ways to indicate where we are located.
What follows are simple directions which will help you to easily find our Hotel by using public transportation.
If you arrive by flight
From Venice Airport “Marco Polo”
A service of shuttle-boats run by Alilaguna company connects Marco Polo airport to Venice. We suggest to take the“Blue Line”shuttle boat and disembark at “Zattere” station. From there, you just need to walk a few steps down the broad street you will find in front of the arrival dock (Rio Terà Foscarini): the hotel is situated half-way on the right-hand side of the street. The trip from Marco Polo airport to Zattere station takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes. For schedules and tickets fares please visit Alilaguna website
As an alternative, from Marco Polo airport there are also shuttle buses to Piazzale Roma (Venice bus terminal): you can choose between the shuttle service run by ATVO company (for schedules and fares please visit and Line 5 bus run by ACTV public transport company (for schedules and fares visit Once you arrive in Piazzale Roma (the trip from the airport takes around 30 minutes) you can follow our directions to reach the Hotel described in the section “If you arrive by car”below.
From Treviso Airport “Canova”
A shuttle bus service run by ATVO company is available that will take you to Piazzale Roma (Venice bus terminal). For schedules and tickets fares please visit
Once you arrive in Piazzale Roma you can follow our directions to reach the Hotel described in the section “If you arrive by car”below.
If you arrive by train
Venice city center railway station is named Santa Lucia (not to be confused with Venice Mestre railway station, which is in the mainland).
From Santa Lucia train station you can reach our Hotel by means of the public transport run by ACTV company, following two alternative itineraries.
You can choose the itinerary along the Grand Canal, more scenographic but, depending on the season and hour of the day, possibily very crowded. To do so, you can catch a “vaporetto” (the public service boat) of Line 1 or Line 2 direction “San Marco (Giardinetti)”and disembark at “Accademia”stop. Once you exit the Accademia station, turn left and then right, taking the street named Rio Terà Foscarini: the Hotel is located on this street, half way on its left side, at only a few steps from the vaporetto station.
Alternatively, from Santa Lucia railway station you may choose the external itinerary, less scenographic but usually less crowded. To do so, you can catch a vaporetto of Line 2 direction “San Marco-S. Zaccaria” (with intermediate stops Piazzale Roma, Tronchetto, San Basilio, etc.) and disembark at “Zattere”station. Out of the Zattere station, on your right, you will find the Gesuati church and along the right side of the church a large street planted with little trees: this is Rio Terà Foscarini where the Hotel is located, half way on its right side, at only a few steps from the vaporetto station.
If you arrive by car
In case you drive to Venice, you will need to leave your car outside the city. The nearest car and bus terminals are either Piazzale Roma or the island of Tronchetto, both located at the end of the bridge named “Ponte delle Libertà” that connects Venice to the mainland.
From Piazzale Roma
From Piazzale Roma car parking you can reach our Hotel by public transport following the two alternative ways described in the section “If you arrive by train”above, with the only difference that you will start your trip from Piazzale Roma station.
From Tronchetto
From Tronchetto car parking you can reach our Hotel by taking the public transport boats (vaporetti) run by ACTV. Take a Line 2 vaporetto with direction “San Marco-San Zaccaria”and disembark at the “Zattere” stop: out of the Zattere station, on your right, you will see the Gesuati church and along the right side of the church a large street planted with little trees which is the Rio Terà Foscarini where the Hotel is located, half way on its right side, at only a few steps from the vaporetto station.

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